List of Publications
Preprints/under review:
Active fluids form system-spanning filamentary networks Paarth Gulati, Fernando Caballero, and M. Cristina Marchetti (2024).
Multi-defect Dynamics in Active Nematics, F. Vafa, M.J. Bowick, M.C. Marchetti, B. I. Shraiman (2020)
How does the extracellular matrix affect the rigidity of an embedded spheroid? A. Parker, M.C. Marchetti, M.L. Manning, J.M. Schwarz (2020)
Spontaneous and Induced Oscillations in Confined Epithelia Toshi Parmar, Liam Dow, Beth Pruitt, and M. Cristina Marchetti. PRX Life (2025)
Asymmetric fluctuations and self-folding of active interfaces Liang Zhao, Paarth Gulati, Fernando Caballero, Itamar Kolvin, Raymond Adkins, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Zvonimir Dogic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 51 (2024): e2410345121.
Multiphase field model of cells on a substrate: From three dimensional to two dimensional Michael Chiang, Austin Hopkins, Benjamin Loewe, Davide Marenduzzo, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Physical Review E 110, no. 4 (2024): 044403
Intercellular friction and motility drive orientational order in cell monolayers, Michael Chiang, Austin Hopkins, Benjamin Loewe, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Davide Marenduzzo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 40 (2024): e2319310121.
Traveling waves at the surface of active liquid crystals Paarth Gulati, Fernando Caballero, Itamar Kolvin, Zhihong You, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Soft Matter 20, no. 38 (2024): 7703-7714.
Design rules for controlling active topological defects, Suraj Shankar, Luca VD Scharrer, Mark J. Bowick, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 21 (2024): e2400933121.
Nonreciprocal Pattern Formation of Conserved Fields, Fridtjof Brauns, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Physical Review X 14, no. 2 (2024): 021014
Vorticity phase separation and defect lattices in the isotropic phase of active liquid crystals, Fernando Caballero, Zhihong You, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Soft Matter 19, no. 40 (2023): 7828-7835
Finite elasticity of the vertex model and its role in rigidity of curved cellular tissues, Arthur Hernandez, Michael F. Staddon, Michael Moshe, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Soft Matter 19, no. 40 (2023): 7744-7752
Motility induced phase separation of deformable cells, Austin Hopkins, Benjamin Loewe, Michael Chiang, Davide Marenduzzo, and M. Cristina Marchetti. Soft Matter 19, no. 42 (2023)
Constitutive model for the rheology of biological tissue, Suzanne M. Fielding, James O. Cochran, Junxiang Huang, Dapeng Bi, M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 108, L042602 (2023)
Controlling liquid–liquid phase behaviour with an active fluid, Alexandra M. Tayar, Fernando Caballero, Trevor Anderberg, Omar A. Saleh, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Zvonimir Dogic, Nature Materials: 1-8 (2023).
Engineering tools for quantifying and manipulating forces in epithelia, Liam P. Dow, Toshi Parmar, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Beth L. Pruitt. Biophysics Reviews 4, no. 2 (2023).
Patterning of morphogenetic anisotropy fields, Zihang Wang, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Fridtjof Brauns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120.13: e2220167120 (2023)
Defect self-propulsion in active nematic films with spatially varying activity, Jonas Rønning, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Luiza Angheluta, Royal Society Open Science 10, no. 2: 221229 (2023).
The role of non-affine deformations in the elastic behavior of the cellular vertex model, Michael F. Staddon, Arthur Hernandez, Mark J. Bowick, Michael Moshe, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Soft Matter 19, no. 17: 3080-3091 (2023)
Molecular-scale substrate anisotropy, crowding and division drive collective behaviours in cell monolayers, Yimin Luo et al, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vo. 20, Issue 204 (2023)
Flow around topological defects in active nematic films, Jonas Rønning, Cristina M. Marchetti, Mark J. Bowick, and Luiza Angheluta., Proceedings of the Royal Society A 478, no. 2257: 20210879 (2022)
Activity-Suppressed Phase Separation, Fernando Caballero and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 268002 (2022)
Rigid tumours contain soft cancer cells, Thomas Fuhs et al. Nature Physics 18.12: 1510-1519 (2022)
Active nematic defects in compressible and incompressible flows, Supavit Pokawanvit, Zhitao Chen, Zhihong You, Luiza Angheluta, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Mark J. Bowick, Phys. Rev. E 106, 054610 (2022)
Local Yield and Compliance in Active Cell Monolayers, Austin Hopkins, Michael Chiang, Benjamin Loewe, Davide Marenduzzo, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 148101 (2022)
Dynamics of active liquid interfaces, Raymond Adkins , Itamar Kolvin, Zhihong You, Sven Witthaus, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Zvonimir Dogic. Science 377, no. 6607: 768-772 (2022).
Boundaries control active channel flows, Paarth Gulati, Suraj Shankar, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Frontiers in Physics 10: 948415 (2022)
Anomalous elasticity of a cellular tissue vertex model, Arthur Hernandez, Michael F. Staddon, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Michael Moshe, Phys. Rev. E 105, 064611 (2022)
Shear-Driven Solidification and Nonlinear Elasticity in Epithelial Tissues, Junxiang Huang, James O. Cochran, Suzanne M. Fielding, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Dapeng Bi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 178001 (2022)
Topological active matter, Suraj Shankar, Anton Souslov, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti and Vincenzo Vitelli, Nature Reviews Physics Vol 4, pages 380–398 (2022)
Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter, Mark J. Bowick, Nikta Fakhri, M. Cristina Marchetti and Sriram Ramaswamy, Phys. Rev. X 12, 010501 (2022)
Emergence of dynamic vortex glasses in disordered polar active fluids, A Chardac, S Shankar, MC Marchetti, D Bartolo, PNAS 118 (10), e2018218118 (2021)
Alignment interactions drive structural transitions in biological tissues, Matteo Paoluzzi, Luca Angelani, Giorgio Gosti, M. Cristina Marchetti, Ignacio Pagonabarraga and Giancarlo Ruocco, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044606 (2021)
The role of fluid flow in the dynamics of active nematic defects, Luiza Angheluta, Zhitao Chen, M. Cristina Marchetti, Mark J. Bowick, New Journal of Physics 23, 033009 (2021)
Fluctuations can induce local nematic order and extensile stress in monolayers of motile cells, Farzan Vafa, Mark J. Bowick, Boris I. Shraiman and M. Cristina Marchetti, Soft Matter 17, 3068-3073 (2021)
Poisson-bracket formulation of the dynamics of fluids of deformable particles, Arthur Hernandez and M. Cristina Marchetti, Physical Review E 103, 032612 (2021)
Viscoelastic control of spatiotemporal order in bacterial active matter, S Liu, S. Shankar, M.C. Marchetti, Y. Wu, Nature 590, 80-84 (2021)
Emergence of dynamic vortex glasses in disordered polar active fluids, A. Chardac, S. Shankar, M.C. Marchetti and D. Bartolo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2018218118 (2020)
Nonreciprocity as a generic route to traveling states, Zhihong You, Aparna Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 19767-19772 (2020)
Shape and size changes of adherent elastic epithelia, B. Loewe, F. Serafin, S. Shankar, M.J. Bowick and M.C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 16, 5282-5293 (2020)
Information and motility exchange in collectives of active particles, M. Paoluzzi, M. Leoni and M.C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 16, 6317-6327 (2020)
Solid-Liquid Transition of Deformable and Overlapping Active Particles, B. Loewe, M. Chiang, D. Marenduzzo and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review Letters 125, 038003 (2020)
Small-scale demixing in confluent biological tissues, P. Sahu, D. M. Sussman, M. Rübsam, A. F. Mertz, V. Horsley, E. R. Dufresne, C. M. Niessen, M. C. Marchetti, M. L. Manning, J. M. Schwarz, Soft Matter 16, 3325-3337 (2020)
Condensate formation and multiscale dynamics in two-dimensional active suspensions, M. Linkmann, G. Boffetta , M. C. Marchetti and B. Eckhardt, Physical Review E 101, 022609 (2020)
Swimmer suspensions on substrates: anomalous stability and long-range order, A. Maitra, P. Srivastava, M. C. Marchetti, S. Ramaswamy, and M. Lenz, Physical Review Letters 124, 028002 (2020)
Hydrodynamics of active defects: from order to chaos to defect ordering, S. Shankar and M. C. Marchetti, Physical Review X 9, 041047 (2019)
Glassy Dynamics in Models of Confluent Tissue with Mitosis and Apoptosis, M. Czajkowski, D. M. Sussman, M. C. Marchetti, M. L. Manning, Soft Matter 15, 9133-9149 (2019)
A self-driven phase transition drives Myxococcus xanthus aggregation, G. Liu, A. Patch, Fatmagül Bahar, David Yllanes, Roy Welch, M. Cristina Marchetti, Shashi Thutupalli and Joshua Shaevitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 248102 (2019).
Continuum models of collective cell migration, S. Banerjeee and M. C. Marchetti. Invited contribution to the book "Cell migrations: causes and function” edited by C. La Porta and S. Zapperi, Springer-Nature in the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (AEMB) Book Series.
Phase Transition to Large Scale Coherent Structures in Two-Dimensional Active Matter Turbulence, M. Linkmann, G. Boffetta , M. C. Marchetti and B. Eckhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 214503 (2019).
Fractal aggregation of active particles, Matteo Paoluzzi, Marco Leoni and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 98, 052603 (2018).
Hidden entropy production and work fluctuations in an active gas, S. Shankar and M.C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 98, 020604(R) (2018).
Curvature-dependent tension and tangential flows at the interface of motility-induced phases, A. Patch, D. Yllanes, D.M. Sussman and M.C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 14, 7435-7445 (2018).
Defect unbinding in active nematics, S. Shankar, S. Ramaswamy, M.C. Marchetti and M.J. Bowick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 108002 (2018).
Soft yet sharp interfaces in a vertex model of confluent tissue, D. M. Sussman, J. M. Schwarz, M. C. Marchetti and M. L. Manning, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 058001 (2018, with a Synopsis in Physics.
Hydrodynamics of shape-driven rigidity transitionsin motile tissues, M. Czajkowski, M. L. Manning, and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 14, 5628-5642 (2018).
Anomalous glassy dynamics in simple models of dense biological tissues, Daniel M. Sussman, M. Paoluzzi, M. Cristina Marchetti, M. Lisa Manning, Europhys. Lett. 121, 36001 (2018).
The statistical physics of active matter: from self-catalytic colloids to living cells, E. Fodor and M. Cristina Marchetti, Lecture notes for the 2017 international summer school "Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics" Physica A: Statistical mechanics and Its Applications, 0378 (2018).
Dynamical patterns in active nematics on a sphere, S. Henkes, M. C. Marchetti and R. Sknepnek, Phys. Rev. E 97, 042605 (2018).
Flocking transition in confluent tissues, F. Giavazzi, M. Paoluzzi, G. Scita, M.L. Manning, R. Cerbino, and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 14, 3471 – 3477(2018).
The low noise phase of a 2d active nematic, Suraj Shankar, Sriram Ramaswamy and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 97, 012707 (2018).
Geometric frustration and solid-solid transitions in model 2D tissue, Michael Moshe, Mark J. Bowick, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 268105 (2018).
A nonequilibrium force can stabilize 2D active nematics, A. Maitra, J. Lintovuori, M. C. Marchetti, S. Ramaswamy, P. Srivastava, and M. Lenz, PNAS 115, 6934-6939 (2018).
How many dissenters does it take to disorder a flock? David Yllanes, Marco Leoni and M. C. Marchetti, New J. Phys. 19 103026 (2017).
Topological sound and flocking on curved surfaces, Suraj Shankar, Mark J. Bowick, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. X 7 031039 (2017). Highlighted with a Synopsis in Physics.
Correlating cell shape and cellular stress in motile confluent tissue, X. Yang, D. Bi, M. Czajkowski, M. Merkel, M. L. Manning, and M. C. Marchetti, PNAS 114,12663 (2017).
Kinetics of Motility-Induced Phase Separation and Swim Pressure, A. Patch, D. Yllanes and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012601 (2017).
Defect Driven Shapes in Nematic Droplets: Analogies with Cell Division, M. Leoni, O. V. Manyuhina, M. J. Bowick and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 13, 1257 (2017).
Negative stiffness and modulated states in active nematics, Srivastava, P. Mishra and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 12, 8214-8225 (2016).
Probing the shear viscosity of an active nematic film, Pau Guillamat, Jordi Ignés-Mullol, Suraj Shankar, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Francesc Sagués, Phys. Rev. E 94, 060602(R)(2016).
Shape and Displacement Fluctuations in Soft Vesicles Filled by Active Particles, Paoluzzi, R. Di Leonardo, M. Cristina Marchetti and L. Angelani, Scientific Reports 6, 31346 (2016).
Correlation lengths in hydrodynamic models of active nematics, E. J. Hemingway, P. Mishra, S. M. Fielding and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 12, 7943-7952 (2016).
Minimal model of active colloids highlights the role of mechanical interactions in controlling the emergent behavior of active matter, M. C. Marchetti, Y. Fily, S. Henkes, A. Patch and D. Yllanes, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 21, 34-43 (2016).
Cellular contraction and polarization drive collective cellular motion, J. Notbohm, S. Banerjee, K. Utuje, B. Gweon, H. Jang, Y. Park, J. Shin, J. Butler, J. J. Fredberg, M. C. Marchetti, Biophys. J. 110, 2729 (2016).
A quantitative model for motility-driven glass transition in biological tissues, D. Bi, X. Yang, M.C. Marchetti and M. L. Manning, Physical Review X 6, 021011 (2016).
Minimal model of active colloids highlights the role of mechanical interactions in controlling the emergent behavior of active matter, M. C. Marchetti, Y. Fily, S. Henkes, A. Patch and D. Yllanes, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 21, 34-43 (2016).
Frictionless Fluids from Bacterial Teamwork, M. C. Marchetti, Nature News & Views, 525, 37 (2015).
Comparison between Smoluchowski and Boltzmann approaches for self-propelled rods, E. Bertin, A Baskaran, H. Chaté, and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 92, 042141 (2015).
Hydrodynamics of Turning Flocks, X. Yang and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 258101 (2015).
Viral nematics in confined geometries, O. Manyuhina, K. Lawlor, M. C. Marchetti and M. J. Bowick, Soft Matter 11, 6099 (2015).
Propagating stress waves during epithelial expansion, Shiladitya Banerjee, Kazage J. C. Utuje, and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 228101 (2015). Selected as Editor’s choice.
Opportunities in Theoretical and Computational Polymeric Materials and Soft Matter, Andrea Liu, Gary Grest, M. Cristina Marchetti, Greg Grason, Mark Robbins, Michael Rubinstein, and Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Soft Matter 11, 2326-2332 (2015). This article is part of the themed collection: 2015 most accessed Soft Matter articles.
Active Viscoelastic Matter: from Bacterial Drag Reduction to Turbulent Solids, E. Hemingway, A. Maitra, S, Banerjee, M. C. Marchetti, S. Ramaswamy, S. M. Fielding, and M. E. Cates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 098302 (2015).
Perspectives in Active Liquid Crystals, Apala Majumdar, M. Cristina Marchetti and Epifanio Virga, to appear in Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A (2014).
Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles, Felix C. Keber, Etienne Loiseau, Tim Sanchez, Stephen J. DeCamp, Luca Giomi, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti, Zvonimir Dogic, Andreas R. Bausch, published in Science (2014).This article was featured on the cover of the September 5, 2014 issue of Science
Aggregation and Segregation of Confined Active Particles, X. Yang, M. L. Manning and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 10, 6477-6484 (2014).
Defect dynamics in active nematics, Luca Giomi, Mark J. Bowick, Prashant Mishra, Rastko Sknepnek and M. Cristina Marchetti, to appear in Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A (2014).
How Cellular Geometry Regulates Traction Stresses in Adherent Cells, P. W. Oakes, S. Banerjee, M. C. Marchetti, and M. L. Gardel, Biophysical Journal 106, 234a
Freezing and phase separation of self-propelled disks, Y. Fily, S. Henkes and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 10, 2132-2140 (2014).
Optimal shapes and stresses of adherent cells on patterned substrates, S. Banerjee, Rastko Sknepnek and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 10 (14), 2424 – 2430 (2014)
Spiral and never-settling patterns in active suspensions, X. Yang, D. Marenduzzo and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 89 , 012711 (2014).
Defect annihilation and proliferation in active nematics, L. Giomi, M. J. Bowick, X. Ma and M. C. Marchetti, Phys Rev Lett. 110, 228101 (2013).
Hydrodynamics of Soft Active Matter, M. C. Marchetti, J.-F. Joanny, S. Ramaswamy, T. B. Liverpool, J. Prost, M. Rao and R. A. Simha, to appear in Rev. Mod. Phys. (2103).
Controlling cell-matrix traction forces by extracellular geometry, S. Banerjee and M. C. Marchetti, N. J. Phys. 15, 035015 (2013).
Cadherin-Based Intercellular Adhesions Organize Epithelial Cell-Matrix Traction Forces, A. F. Mertz, Y. Che, S. Banerjee, J. Goldstein, K. R. Rosowski, C. N. Niessen, M. C. Marchetti, E. R. Dufresne and V. Horsley, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 842-847 (2012).
Active matter: Spontaneous flows and self-propelled drops, M. C. Marchetti, Nature News & Views 491 , 340 (2012).
Self-regulation in Self-Propelled Nematic Fluids, A. Baskaran and M. C. Marchetti, EPJE 35, 95 (2012).
Contractile stresses in cohesive cell layers on finite-thickness substrates, S. Banerjee, and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 , 108101 (2012).
Pattern formation in self-propelled particles with density-dependent motility, F. D. C. Farrell, J. Tailleur, D. Marenduzzo and M. C. Marchetti, Physical Review Letters 108, 248101 (2012).
Athermal Phase Separation of Self-Propelled Particles with no Alignment, Y. Fily and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 235702 (2012).
Active Surface Tension of Cohesive Cell Colonies, A. F. Mertz, S. Banerjee, Y. Che, G. K. German, M. C. Marchetti, V. Horsley, and E. R. Dufresne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 198101 (2012).
Dynamical Self-regulation in Self-Propelled Particles Flows, A. Gopinath, M. F. Hagan, M. C. Marchetti and A. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. E 85, 061903 (2012).
Polar Patterns in Active Fluids, L. Giomi and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 8 (1), 129-139 (2012).
Scaling of Traction Forces with Size of Cohesive Cell Colonies, A. F. Mertz, S. Banerjee, Y. Che, G. K. German, Y. Xu, C. Hyland, M. C. Marchetti, V. Horsley and E. R. Dufresne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 198101 (2012).
Cooperative Self-Propulsion of Active and Passive Rotors, Y. Fily, A Baskaran and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 8 (10), 3002 – 3009 (2012).
Instabilities and Oscillations in Isotropic Active Gels, S. Banerjee and M. C. Marchetti, Soft Matter 7, 463-473 (2011).
Motor-driven Dynamics of Cytoskeletal Filaments in Motility Assays, S. Banerjee, M. C. Marchetti, K. Müller-Nedebock, Phys. Rev. E 84, 011914 (2011).
Substrate rigidity deforms and polarizes active gels, S. Banerjee and M. C. Marchetti, Europhys. Lett. 96, 28003 (2011).
Active Jamming: Self-propelled soft particles at high density, S. Henkes, Y. Fily and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev E 84, 040301 (2011).
Generic phases of cross-linked active gels: Relaxation, Oscillation and Contractility, S. Banerjee, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, Europhys. Lett. 96, 58004 (2011).
Sheared active fluids: thickening, thinning and vanishing viscosity, L.Giomi, T. B. Liverpool and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 81, 051908 (2010) .
Fluctuations and Pattern Formation in Self-Propelled Particles, S. Mishra, A. Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 81, 061916 (2010).
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Self-propelled Hard Rods, A. Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiments, P04019 (2010).
Mechanical response of active gels, T. B. Liverpool, M. C. Marchetti, J.-F. Joanny and J. Prost, EuroPhys. Lett. 85, 18007 (2009).
Pak3 inhibits local actin filament formation to regulate global cell polarity, Y. Asano, A. Jimenez-Dalmaroni, T. B. Liverpool, M. C. Marchetti, L. Giomi, A. Kiger, T. Duke, B. Baum, HFSP Journal 3, 194-203 (2009).
Statistical mechanics and hydrodynamics of Bacterial Suspensions, Aparna Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106, 15567-15572 (2009).
Hydrodynamics of self-propelled hard rods, A, Baskaran and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 77, 011920 (2008) (10 pages).
Mode-Locking in Driven Disordered Systems as a Boundary-Value Problem, W. Kung and M. C. Marchetti, J. Stat. Phys. 132, 945 (2008).
Depinning in a two-layer model of plastic flow, P. Le Doussal, M. C. Marchetti, K. J. Wiese, Phys. Rev. B 78, 224201 (2008). (28 pages).
Complex Spontaneous Flows and Concentration Banding in Active Polar Films, Luca Giomi, M. Cristina Marchetti, Tanniemola B. Liverpool, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 198101 (2008).
Enhanced diffusion and ordering of self-propelled rods, Aparna Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 268101 (2008).
Poisson-Bracket Approach to the Dynamics of Bent-Core Molecules, W. Kung and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 76 (2007) 011710. (16 pages)
Hydrodynamic and rheology of active polar filaments, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, in “Cell Motility”, P. Lenz editor (Springer, New York, 2007). (30 pages).
Depinning and plasticity of driven disordered lattices, M. C. Marchetti, in Jamming, Yielding, and Irreversible Deformations in Condensed Matter, M.-C. Miguel and M. Rubi, eds.(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006).
Weak point disorder in strongly fluctuating flux-line liquids, P. Benetatos and M. C. Marchetti, Pramana 66, (2006).
Hydrodynamics of Polar Liquid Crystals, W. Kung, M. C. Marchetti and K. Saunders, Phys. Rev. E 73, 31708 (2006).
Hydrodynamics of isotropic and ordered active motor-filament mixtures, A. Ahmadi, M. C. Marchetti and T. B. Liverpool, Phys. Rev. E 74, 061913 (2006).
Rheology of active filament solutions, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 268101 (2006).
Bridging the microscopic and the hydrodynamic in active filament solutions, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, Europhysics Letters 69, (2005).
Models of plastic depinning of driven disordered systems, M. C. Marchetti, Pramana - Journal of Physics 64, (2005).
Nematic and Polar order in Active Filament Solutions, A. Ahmadi, T. B. Liverpool, and M. C. Marchetti, Physical Review E 72, (2005).
Liverpool and Marchetti Reply, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
Mean Field Theory of Collective Transport with Phase Slips, K. Saunders, J. Schwarz, M. C. Marchetti, and A. A. Middleton, Physical Review B 70, (2004).
Instabilities of Isotropic Solutions of Active Polar Filaments, T. B. Liverpool and M. C. Marchetti, Physical Review Letters 90, (2003).
Driven depinning of strongly disordered media and anisotropic mean-field limits, M. C. Marchetti, A. A. Middleton, K. Saunders, and J. Schwarz, Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
Plasticity in current-driven vortex lattices, P. Benetatos and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 65, (2002).
Hysteresis in driven disordered systems: from plastic depinning to magnets, M. C. Marchetti and K. A. Dahmen, Physical Review B 66, (2002).
Viscoelasticity from a microscopic model of dislocation dynamics, M.C. Marchetti and K. Saunders, Physical Review B 66, (2002).
Hydrodynamics of Liquids of Arbitrarily Curved Flux Lines and Vortex Loops, P. Benetatos and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 64, (2001).
A Hydrodynamics Approach to the Bose Glass Transition, P. Benetatos and M.C. Marchetti, Physica C 332, (2000).
Vortex Physics in Confined Geometries, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physica C 330, (2000).
Viscoelastic Depinning of Driven Systems: Mean-Field Elastic Scallops, M.C. Marchetti, A.A. Middleton and T. Prellberg, Physical Review Letters 85, (2000).
Driven Vortices in Confined Geometries: the Corbino Disk, M.C. Marchetti, Physica C 341-348, (2000).
Nonlinear Hydrodynamics and Tilt Modulus of Flux-line Liquids, P. Benetatos and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 59, (1999).
Interstitials, Vacancies, and Dislocations in Flux-Line Lattices: A Theory of Vortex Crystals, Supersolids and Liquids, M.C. Marchetti and L. Radzihovsky, Physical Review B 59, (1999).
Patterned Geometries and Hydrodynamics at the Vortex Bose Glass Transition, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 59, (1999).
Nonequilibrium Steady States of Driven Periodic Media, L. Balents, M.C. Marchetti and L. Radzihovsky, Physical Review B 57, (1998).
Comment on "Moving Glass Phase of Driven Lattices", L. Balents, M.C. Marchetti and L. Radzihovski, Physical Review Letters 78, (1997).
Vortex Dynamics and Defects in Simulated Flux Flow, M. Faleski, M.C. Marchetti and A.A. Middleton, Physical Review B 54, (1996).
Glassy Motion of Elastic Manifolds, V.M. Vinokur, M.C. Marchetti and L.-W. Chen, Physical Review Letters 77, (1996).
Dynamical Transition in Charge Density Waves with Quenched Disorder, L.W. Chen, Physical Review B 54, (1996).
Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in Simple Fluids, J.W. Dufty and M.C. Marchetti, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 445, (1995).
Twin-Boundary Pinning of Superconducting Vortex Arrays, M.C. Marchetti and V.M. Vinokur, Physical Review B 51, (1995).
Interface Motion in Random Media at Finite Temperature, L.-W. Chen and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 51, (1995).
Theory of Double-Sided Flux Decorations, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 52, (1995).
Peak Effect in Twinned Superconductors, A.I. Larkin, M.C. Marchetti and V.M. Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 75, (1995).
Low-Temperature Vortex Dynamics in Twinned Superconductors, M.C. Marchetti and V.M. Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 72, (1994).
ac Response of the Flux-Line Liquid in High-Temperature Superconductors, L.-W. Chen and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 50, (1994).
Elastic String in a Random Potential, M. Dong, A.A. Middleton, M.C. Marchetti and V. Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 70, (1993).
Translational Correlations in the Vortex Array at the Surface of a Type-II Superconductor, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 47, (1993).
Mode-Coupling Theory of the Long-Time Tail of the Stress Tensor Autocorrelation Function in a Dense Binary Mixture, M.C. Marchetti and
S. Sinha, Physical Review A 46, (1992).
Modification of the Magnetic Flux-Line Interaction at a Superconductor Surface, M.C. Marchetti, Physica C 200, (1992).
Vortex Liquids in High-Tc Superconductors, M.C. Marchetti, Journal of Applied Physics 69, (1991).
Dynamics of Flux-line Liquids in High-Tc Superconductors, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 43, (1991).
Flux-Line Entanglement in High-Tc Superconductors, M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review B 43, (1991).
Coupling between 2-D Electrons in Quantum Wells and 3-D Phonons, M. Lax, W. Cai, P. Hu, T.F. Zheng, B. Yudanin, and M.C. Marchetti, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 581, (1990).
Sound Propagation Gap in Fluid Mixtures, S. Sinha and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review A 42, (1990).
Hydrodynamics of Flux Liquids, M.C. Marchetti and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 42, (1990).
Short-Wavelength Collective Modes in a Binary Hard-Sphere Mixture, M.C. Marchetti and S. Sinha, Physical Review A 41, (1990).
Dislocation Loops and Bond-Orientational Order in the Abrikosov Flux Line Lattice, M.C. Marchetti, and D.R. Nelson, Physical Review B 41, (1990).
Relaxation of a Photoexcited Electron-Hole Plasma in a Quantum Well, M.C. Marchetti and W. Poetz, Physical Review B 40, (1989).
Nonequilibrium Phonons and Carrier Cooling in Polar Semiconductors, W. Poetz and M.C. Marchetti, SPIE Proceedings 942, (1988).
Electron-Hole-Phonon Coupling in Semiconductor Quantum Wells, W. Cai, F. Zheng, M.C. Marchetti, and M. Lax, SPIE Proceedings 942, (1988).
Nonequilibrium Phonon Dynamics in a Semiconductor Quantum Well, M. Lax, W. Cai, and M.C. Marchetti, SPIE Proceedings 942, (1988).
Quantum Confinement and Hot-Phonon Effects in Quantum Wells, M.C. Marchetti and W. Poetz, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 6, (1988).
Nonequilibrium Carrier-Phonon Coupling in a Semiconductor Quantum Well, M.C. Marchetti, W. Cai, and M. Lax, Solid State Electronics 31, 677-681, (1988).
Nonequilibrium Phonon Effects on Hot-Electron Transport in Semiconductor Heterojunctions, W. Cai, M.C. Marchetti, and M. Lax, Physical Review B 37, (1988).
Equivalence of Lei and Ting Transport Equations for Nonlinear Electronic Transport and the Boltzmann Approach, M.C. Marchetti and W. Cai, Physical Review B 36, (1987).
Hot-Electron Relaxation in Quantum-Well Structures: Multi-Subband Occupation, M.C. Marchetti and W. Cai, Physical Review B 35, (1987).
Nonequilibrium Phonon Effect on Time-Dependent Relaxation of Hot Electrons in Semiconductor Heterojunctions, W. Cai, M.C. Marchetti, and M. Lax, Physical Review B 35, (1987).
Hydrodynamic Theory of Electron Transport in a Strong Magnetic Field, M.C. Marchetti, T.R. Kirkpatrick, and J.R. Dorfman, Journal of Statistical Physics 46, (1987).
Non-Exponential Relaxation in Viscous Supercooled Liquids, M.C. Marchetti, Annals of the New York Academy of Science 484, (1986).
Nonequilibrium Electron-Phonon Scattering in Semiconductor Heterojunctions, W. Cai, M.C. Marchetti, and M. Lax, Physical Review B 34, (1986).
Relationship of Fluctuations and Transport for Nonlinear Markoff Processes, J.W. Dufty, J. J. Brey, and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review A 33, (1986).
Mode Coupling Theory of Shear and Sound Relaxation in Viscous Supercooled Fluids, M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review A 33, (1986).
Mode Coupling Theory of Long Time Tails in a Classical Electron Gas, M.C. Marchetti and T.R. Kirkpatrick, Physical Review A 32, (1985).
Kinetic Theory of Long Time Tails in Velocity Correlation Functions in a Moderately Dense Electron Gas, M.C. Marchetti and T.R. Kirkpatrick, Journal of Statistical Physics 41, (1985).
Initial State Dependence of Nonlinear Kinetic Equations: The Classical Electron Gas, M.C. Marchetti, E.G.D. Cohen, J.R. Dorfman, and T.R. Kirkpatrick, Journal of Statistical Physics 41, (1985).
Kinetic Equation for a Weakly Interacting Classical Electron Gas, M.C. Marchetti, T.R. Kirkpatrick, J.R. Dorfman, and E.G.D. Cohen, Journal of Statistical Physics 41, (1985).
Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Periodic Potential, B. Bagchi, R. Zwanzig, and M.C. Marchetti, Physical Review A 31, (1985).
Anomalous Diffusion of Charged Particles in a Strong Magnetic Field, M.C. Marchetti, T.R. Kirkpatrick, and J.R. Dorfman, Physical Review A 29, (1984).
Tagged Particle Fluctuations in Uniform Shear Flow, M.C. Marchetti and J.W. Dufty, Journal of Statistical Physics 32, (1983).
Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Theories of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations, M.C. Marchetti and J.W. Dufty, Physica 118A, (1983).
Nonlinear Irreversible Fluxes in a Fluid with Large Shear Rate, M.C. Marchetti and J.W. Dufty, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 16, (1982).
Comment on `Collective Modes and Neutron Scattering in Fluids', M.C. Marchetti, G.E. Garland, and J.W. Dufty, Physical Review A 25, (1982).
Bound State and Finite Collision Time Effects in the Binary Collision Approximation, M.C. Marchetti and J.W. Dufty, Physical Review A 24, (1981).
Viscometric Functions for a Simple Fluid, J.W. Dufty, M.C. Marchetti, and S. Fraden, The Journal of Chemical Physics 75, (1981).
Memory Function for the Velocity Autocorrelation Function at Moderate Density, M.C. Marchetti and J.W. Dufty, Chemical Physics Letters 70, (1980).
F 19 NMR Study of Disordered Paramagnet KMg 1-x Mn x F 3, G. D'Ariano, R.L. Lecander, M.C. Marchetti, and F. Borsa, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials 15, (1980).